Using the SDK
Configuring the SDK
You must initialise the SDK to use an environment using the API key that was supplied to you by BookingGo before using it:
let apiKey = APIKey(partner: "partner", secret: "D376BE3C-3381-4DE1-B360-E5CEA0E79D81")
BookingGoCars.initialize(withEnvironment: .production(apiKey: apiKey))
It is expected that the SDK will be initialized when the app starts - e.g. in the application’s didFinishLaunchingWithOptions implementation - this so that it can obtain configuration in the background so it is up-to-date when one of the SDK’s flows is invoked.
Styling the UI
You can inject styles that define colors, fonts and metrics used by the UI of the SDK:
let primaryBackgroundColor =
let primaryForegroundColor = UIColor.white
let secondaryBackgroundColor = UIColor.darkGray
let secondaryForegroundColor = UIColor.white
let headingFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 22.0)
let ctaFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 17.0)
let statusBarStyle: UIStatusBarStyle = .lightContent
BookingGoCars.applyStyle(Style(defaultTheme: Theme(palette: Palette(primaryBackgroundColor: primaryBackgroundColor,
primaryForegroundColor: primaryForegroundColor,
secondaryBackgroundColor: secondaryBackgroundColor,
secondaryForegroundColor: secondaryForegroundColor),
typography: Typography(heading: headingFont, cta: ctaFont),
metrics: UIMetrics(preferredStatusBarStyle: statusBarStyle))))
Presenting a flow
Two flows are available:
- In-path for use in your booking flow
- Standalone for use outside of your booking flow
These can be presented from a parent view-controller as follows:
- In-path
let passengerCounts = PassengerCounts { builder in
builder.adults = 1
builder.teenagers = 0
builder.children = 0
builder.infants = 0
let searchContext = SearchContext { builder in
builder.pickUp = SearchPickUp(date: pickupDate, location: .airport(airport: Airport(iataCode: "MAN")))
builder.flightDesignator = FlightDesignator(code: "AB 1234")
builder.driverAge = 25
builder.localePreferences = LocalePreferences(countryOfResidence: "GB", displayCurrency: "GBP", preferredLanguage: "EN")
builder.passengerCounts = passengerCounts
if let searchContext = searchContext {
BookingGoCars.present(.inPath(searchContext: searchContext, partnerInformation: nil), from: self, completion: { [weak self] (booking: Booking?) in
- Standalone
BookingGoCars.present(.standalone(preferredLanguage: "EN", partnerInformation: nil), from: self, completion: { [weak self] (booking: Booking?) in
Requesting a price
A price can be requested for a search context (pick-up/drop-off location and times) - this will return the lowest or most recommended available price for that search:
BookingGoCars.requestPrice(searchContext: buildSearchContext()) { (result) in
switch result {
case .success(let indicativePrice):
DispatchQueue.main.sync {
priceLabel.text = "\(indicativePrice.prefix) \(indicativePrice.price.description) \(indicativePrice.suffix)"
DispatchQueue.main.sync {
priceLabel.text = ""
Obtaining the model for building an “upsell widget” for in-path
In order to entice the customer to enter the in-path car rental flow, you may want to display a “widget” with a CTA that contains copy to upsell the service - the model for this can be requested as follows:
let inPathUpsellWidgetModel = BookingGoCars.getInPathUpsellWidgetModel()
if let url = URL(string: inPathUpsellWidgetModel.bannerImageUrl) {
headlineLabel.text = inPathUpsellWidgetModel.headline
taglineLabel.text = inPathUpsellWidgetModel.tagline
Adding an event listener
Your application can listen to events (page-views, user-actions, errors) from the SDK that are also reported back to BookingGo by adding an EventListener to the SDK:
class MyEventListener: EventListener {
func eventFired(_ event: Event) {
let eventListener = MyEventListener()